household ware中文什么意思

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  1. Zhejiang yuetian household wares co . , ltd
  2. Fugang daily used ceramics manufactory is an enterprise that specializes in manufacturing and marketing high & medium - level potteries of daily use in fengtang county , fugang , mainly producing household wares of chinese - style , western - style , blue - decorative porcelains , vitreous enamels and high - white ceramics
  3. The museum has built up a sizable collection of materials on the local ethnic cultures . it includes farming implements , rural household wares and furniture , fishing gears and junk models , all of which illustrate the traditional life of local villagers and boat - dwellers , as well as their farming and fishing industries in hong kong
  4. Yiwu industry is developing very rapidly . presently it has formed many advantaged industries in yiwu , whose market share is high over the whole country , including garments , knitting , toys , zippers , ornaments , arts crafts , ribbon , household ware , daily use commodities , rain gears , cases bags , small hardware , stationery and printing etc


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  4. household vacuum cleaner-blower motor 什么意思
  5. household vice 什么意思
  6. household wares 什么意思
  7. household warm water 什么意思
  8. household waste 什么意思
  9. household wastewater 什么意思
  10. household water filter 什么意思


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